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Community Grants – Got A Great Project?

Do you think you may have a project that our Rotary can help you with?  Ok, here’s what we need to get rolling:
Total Number of Grants Given
Total Amount Given in Grants

We have two areas where we focus our grants; mini-grants and capital projects.  Mini-grants tend to be smaller requests, ranging from a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars and are generally awarded bi-annually.  Capital project grants are larger, typically starting at $15,000 and are awarded on a limited basis. Below are the details of how to submit a grant request:

Community Grants Given
Projects That Matter

We are looking for local projects that focus on children, seniors, literacy, and beautification of our community.  That said, we’d would be open to other worthwhile projects but these are our top priorities.  In addition, we focus grants on projects that can help as many people as possible in the greater Durango area.

What We Need to Know

Work with your group to compile as much information as possible; for example, how many people, target ages, details on how the money will be used including the programs, their goals, any matching funds, the amount of the award you are requesting and any other facts and financial data that would help explain and support the request.  For capital projects please include project and strategic plans as well.  Please compile this information and send it using our nifty contact form below.

When Do We Award the $$$’s?

Our fiscal year runs from July 1st – June 30th.  For mini-grants we collect grant requests and divide the year into two halves.  Grants received from 7/1 to 12/31 will be reviewed together and those found eligible will awarded at the end of that time frame.  We do the same for the second half of the year and award those at the end of that time frame.  If you have a time sensitive grant request please let us know.  For urgent needs we do make exceptions to our schedule when possible.  Our capital project grants are made on a limited basis after a thorough evaluation of the capital grant request submission and a determination of funds availability.

We know, it’s a lot!

Yep, we know that it can be a lot of detail and we don’t want to waste your time. If you’re concerned about whether we’d be interested before investing all the energy we’d be glad to chat with you first and see if there may be an opportunity to work together.  Feel free to send us a note using the contact form below and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Now we’d love to hear how we might be able to help your organization.

Please fill out the inquiry form below, attach any files needed, and we’ll be in touch shortly.